Sweet Seasons U-Pick Fruit Farm
Welcome to our fruit farm! We want to offer you the best tasting, most nutrient dense, clean and safe-to-eat fruit. Having an enjoyable experience on the farm is our goal for you! We have two (2) blueberry orchards, the large one is 2.5 acres with 2,420 plants. The small one, 'Blueberry Nook' has 75 plants with chairs for those who want to 'Sit n' Pick'. We also have a small Apple orchard with 40 heirloom / heritage apple trees, a hedgerow of "Hazelberts" which are a cross between American Hazelnuts and European Filberts along with our newest 2019 planted "Superfood" orchard which include: Aronia, Elderberry, Black Currant and Nanking Cherry.
For immediate updates visit: facebook.com/sweetseasonsfarmvt
THE "BIG" ORCHARD: The Big Blueberry Orchard is 2.5 acres with 2,420 Northern High Bush berry bushes that have been in ground 9 years now, with 5 varieties to choose from. Each row has a sign with its name. There are three (3) fruitings in the big orchard. The "First Fruits' are very large berries the second fruiting is still large and the 3rd fruiting is small.
This orchard is in full sun on a hill with beautiful views! Please bring hat, glasses, sun block and water bottle to keep yourself cool and hydrated.
The Blueberry Nook is OPEN! This is a quiet and mostly shaded place up to 1:00pm It's a good place for those who prefer smaller more intimate spaces. Unlike the Big Orchard, these bushes are an even more diverse in varieties with some fully mature bushes and exotic low bush/wild berries! We have chairs in this orchard so you can "Sit n' Pick" in the shade.
FREQUENT PICKER PROGRAM: Everyone who registers at the farm is automatically enrolled in the Frequent Picker Program you begin receiving discounts once you reach 25 lbs. Come as many times as you like to pick and enjoy your discount upon reaching 25 lbs. The discount is applied to the last pounds you pick that equal 25 lb. and is applicable throughout the 6 week blueberry season, so visit as often as you want and don't worry about keeping track - we will do this for you!
Tuesday - Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday - Noon = 5pm
(Closed Mondays)
BLUEBERRY PRICES: Blueberries are priced as follow:
1-24 lbs. $4.50 lb. (equal to $3.38 U.S. Dry Pint)
25+lbs. $4.25 lb. (equal to $3.19 U.S. Dry Pint)
During the harvest we accept: CASH // VENMO // CHECK w/ your address & phone number
Pick N" Eat Option
For those of you who never tried the "Pick n' Eat" Option but are curious, the following information describes how the option works...
"All You Can Pick N' Eat" Blueberries! This option is for those who LOVE to eat Blueberries while picking and was only $3.75 per person. This option allows you to enjoy yourself and eat all you want while helping to offset the financial costs involved with a blueberry fruit crop that is suppose to be sold, rather than eaten on site. Your honesty in letting us know you enjoyed the "All You Can Pick N' Eat" option is appreciated as it shows you care about eating well along with helping to support the farmer's livelihood who grows these berries for you. It also keeps the USDA Loan Officer, the Farmers and the Parents relaxed! There's no nagging on this farm! If you are a serious picker and don't want to eat while picking, that's fine, you can still sample a couple berries to see what you like.
PICKING CONTAINERS: We supply sanitized picking containers for berries and apples. If you bring your own containers, please leave them in the car or on the table near the farm store until you are ready to check out. If you don't have containers to transport your berries and apples, there are "Green Recyclable" bags to purchase for .15 cents each.
Our small, intimate, Heirloom Apple PYO orchard is OPEN! You can pick your own in the orchard or the farm store! Varieties are available as the season progresses. We also showcase Holistic / NOFA Certified Organic Apple Varieties from Lost Nation Orchard, Walden Heights Nursery & Orchard and Cates Hill Farm.
APPLE PRICES: $3.00 lb. for PYO whether you are picking in the orchard or from Sweet Seasons Farm's Apples in the farm store coolers! (Prices from our New England farmer friend's Holistic, NOFA Certified Organic Apples varieties are priced as marked.)
ELDERBERRY: From U-Pick Raspberries to ELDERBERRIES! After 14 years of growing raspberries for you, we cannot continue with the work increasing as the Blueberry bushes & Apple trees keep growing! We have no time or money to continue with Raspberries - a very labor laden type maintenance is required for the great yields you are accustomed to. However, more of you are asking for ELDERBERRY! So, if you look toward to 'Blueberry Nook' you will see rows of Certified Non-GMO Mighty Mustard cover crop we planted to renovate the soil to bring in PYO Elderberry! In the meantime, you can purchase our Elderberry Syrup and Frozen Elderberries in the Farm Store Freezer case.
FALLTIME TREATS --- CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS: An assortment of Chocolate confections such as: Frozen Tart Cherry Bars, Bonbons, Peanut Butter Patties, Chocolate Strawberries are in the farm store freezer case just for you!
CHILDREN: Children of all ages are WELCOME and are kindly asked to be gentle with our plants and trees when picking. So, come out and enjoy a GREAT and relaxing TIME of picking! (The AIRPLANE TEETER TOTTER is "flying up" to the Picnic Area this autumn during the Apple Harvest.
Something NEW for 2024 - Dome shaped Jungle Gym! Due to the low yields and customer demands, we cannot offer the "All You Can Pick n' Eat" option to children this year. PARENTS PLEASE READ OUR NOTE ABOUT THIS ABOVE THIS TEXT.
For Everyone's SAFETY Please drive your vehicle all the way to the "PARK HERE" signs. We need to leave plenty of room for children and adults to walk to and fro their vehicles as well as cars that are driving up or backing out. The Picnic Area is OPEN to enjoy a snack or lunch - please pack out your trash. The PORTA POTTY is very well maintained! Please help us keep it nice and clean! If you are traveling with your pet, they must remain in your vehicle at all times and must be kept cool and comfortable
From I-93 N. take exit 1 St. Johnsbury. Turn Right off the exit then turn Left at first stop light onto Route 2. Travel approx. 1 mile then look for Dog Mountain/Dog Chapel landmark and Riley's Fish Shack on the right of Spaulding Road.
Turn Right on to Spaulding Road. Travel up road 2 minutes until you see Dog Mountain's sign on the left. Continue up the road a few more minutes until you see the large yellow farm house w/ red roof on your right. As you begin traveling down the hill, within 1/8 mile you will see the white Sweet Seasons Farm
sign on your left. Take that first left up the driveway. The apple orchard runs along the driveway and is fenced in. Continue up until you see the fenced in blueberry orchard and Red Farm Store on your right. Park in designated area.
From I-95 take exit 22 St. Johnsbury then travel East, going down the hill until you reach the intersection with stop light. Price Chopper is on your right and Kinney Drug/ Sunaco Gas is on your left. Go through the intersection up Hospital Drive. NVRH hospital is on your left. You will come to a T with a stop sign.
Turn left then travel down the winding road until you reach the first right hand turn you can make - Lackey Hill. Turn right onto Lackey Hill and travel approx. 1/2 mile until you reach the brown Petty Rock Farm barn dated 1977. At this junction, bare right onto Spaulding Road then travel approx. 1 mile up the road until you see the white Sweet Seasons Farm sign on your right. Travel up the driveway. The apple orchard runs along the driveway and is fenced in. Continue up until you see the fenced in blueberry orchard and Red Farm Store on your right. Park in designated area.
THIS FARM IS NOT HANDICAP OR LIMITED MOBILITY ACCESSIBLE: The orhards are on a mountain hillside containing a 20% grade in the steepest areas with undulating, uneven, unstable ground in all areas. We deem our orchards to be UNSAFE for those with physical disabilities or restricted / limited mobility..
Caution --- There is no safe method to make these orchards Handicap Accessible. If you choose to enter these orchards, you are assuring the owners of Sweet Seasons Farm that you assume and take 100% responsibility and liability for your personal health and safety.
Federal laws (ADA) legally offer rights to those with physical disabilities to be accompanied by a trained, ADA Service Animal into a PYO / U-Pick Farm regardless of Vermont Laws or Farm Owner's release of liability which clearly state inherit risks and dangers of visiting agritourism businesses, which include but are not limited to Pick-Your-Own / U-Pick open food source farms that are situated on a mountain slope.
Should you wish to visit our farm with your ADA Service Animal, you must be willing to declare AND agree in writing that you are fully aware accessing our orchards are not safe for individuals with physical disabilities, limited mobility and that you assume 100% risk and libility for the actions of the Service Animal and yourself in addition to agreeing to abide by the regulations set by the farm owners, their insurance companies and Vermont Department of Health. The regulations and liability are described in a legally binding Indenmity Agreement that must be understood, agreed to and signed by the guest in possession of an ADA service animal along with accompanying visitors and the farm owner before the visit is scheduled.
Visits with ADA Service Animals in open food sourced orchards at Sweet Seasons Farm are by private appointment which must be made 10 business days in advanced of your visit day / time. They are held only during regular business hours and require the farm owner to be available to observe your party with the Service Animal for the full duration of your visit in the orchards. The farm owners are not qualified nor required to assume liability to provide any physical assistance for you as you attempt to access, move about and exit orchards which ARE CLEARLY NOT HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE.
Caution --- There is no safe method to make these orchards Handicap Accessible. YOU are entering these orchards at your own risk and could jepardize your personal safety and health.
Note about Public & Personal Health Choices ---
The owners of Sweet Seasons Farm are not legally / financially qualified or authorized to monitor or discuss with you anyone’s personal medical / health choices or conditions, including their own, their employees, visitors and customers.
Any discussion is only permitted between the owners and the person(s) who express symptoms of highly contagious illness, and this discussion is limited in scope.
All visitors, customers, employees or service personnel of Sweet Seasons Farm assume 100% liability for their own medical / health choices or conditions when visiting the farm.
Other Things to know
Farm Store --- A fun place to visit and purchase other products including our teas and most exquisite Artisan Confections made with European Couverture Chocolate!
Picnic Area --- Enjoy the beautiful surroundings on our Vermont farm while having a picnic lunch or dinner. Thank you for packing out all your trash to keep away the bears and raccoons!
Porta-Potty --- Our privately owned porta-potty is well maintained, but is closed October 31, 2021.
Water Bottle Refill Station --- Fill up your water bottles here with our refreshing artesian well water.
Play Area for Children --- Adult supervision is required at all times. Weight restrictions apply! These are not for Teens or Adults to sit on or play with. Please read and follow the 'safety rules'. (See signs near the playground equipment.)
Pets --- While we have sweet farm dogs of our own, pets are not permitted on farm grounds.
If you are traveling and can commit to keeping our guests safe and your pets comfortable and quiet, they may remain in your vehicle while you pick fruit or shop. (Ask us for a shady place to park during the warmer months.)
Tobacco, Marijuana, Alcohol, Firearms --- For everyone's good health and the safety of our visitors and orchards, smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco or Marijuana, alcohol and firearms are strictly prohibited anywhere on our property. You will be notified of Vermont State Laws and our liability and polietly asked to leave the property if you are unable to cooperate with Vermont State laws.
Growing Methods --- Ask us about our holistic growing practices. We want you
to be well informed. You can view our inspection reports, input lists located in the farm store.
Nearby Attractions / Shopping/Food
3 minutes down the road from us is Dog Mountain, a great place to visit, walk or run your dog & shop for your canine loving friends.
Also, nearby is Maple Grove - the oldest maple candy factory & gift shop in the world!
Make it a day and visit the famous Fairbanks Museum & gift shop.
We think the best lunch/dinner venues are: Khams Thai Cusine & Papa's Pizza & Fish Shack both only 5 minutes from our farm.
Looking for more to do while you're in town? Visit Saint Johnsbury's Welcome Center to Discover Saint Johnsbury .
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